
  • Dominique Fitzpatrick-O~Dinn
  • Eclectic Guy, the


"Is ore a period?"
Drep act'd dried. Kepal ordered Drep a tap Perrier.
At a soiree, Kepal & Drep repeat'd a pact.
Sord'd ace Kepal, sore poker-paced Drep,
peered o'er Perrier. Kepal lacked tact.
Kepal packed a creeper.
Kepal laced Perrier so Drep pored o'er a cat at opal dread. "Keep ore red, Kepal, keep ore red."
So erect Kepal poiso'ed & poked Drep,
rode rectal rod, reeked, sired a rosier ore.


"Skoke, fakest fax?"


jay: weft champane, you happy chap.
dan: we emit fm.
tom: if it can dance i can pay.
jay: i had a wee nap. time?
dan: pay day. it came, capo. happy day. yup.
tom: pan me, daddy dj.
jay: imp. yam.
dan: new fm pomp may mop up camp.
tom: hay dame, you can opt to a weft amp. pop up a mad pad 'n` jam, jane.
jay: nay! i had acne. i mace you.
dan: pay it to me, poppy pot. pay me japan, canada, pompay... map?
tom: damp ham...
jay: cad! my mane men, if it can fit, chance it.
dan: a top ad can add up.
tom: to a toy. a few. o, apt mench.
jay: wench. cap it, champ. a motto: we opt to enhance.
tom: moot. you dampen me, pup.
jay: hay!
dan: nay to pane. dane to pay me, dad.

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