Whatever radio play

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metaphorical overlap exercise

1. argument is war

Tonight the United States of America
officially attacked the opposing position.
Experts agree that the opposing position is strategically indefensible.
They are standing on shakey ground without a leg to stand on.
The enemy uses unfair tactics such as cheap and pot shots.
The United States will, if necessary, hit below the belt.

2. argument is not war

A disagreement is a single entity, not a conflict between two.
A disagreement, hopefully, is never resolved.
Disagreement is desireable.

3. war is not argument

 Nobody gets killed.

    the activist
the romantic
&        the whatever

    if you aren't kissing the opposing position you're attacking it
    if it's indefensible it's defenseless it's passive
    this is a photo of the opposing position
    defending its perspective
    why don't you reposition yourself?
    sensitize yourself to violence
        i can't give up meat in one day
        whatever, i say, whatever
        whatever i say is offensive
whatever, i say, whatever
i can't get in the whole world's way
if my complicity is extensive
whatever, whatever

in love? of course i am.
i'm in love with the very idea of being in love
i feel romantic towards romance
i want to save up enough time to invest in romance

        if i gave romance a big chance
        whatever romance had to say
i'd look for a chance to agree
whatever romance had to say
if i asked romance down to dance
i'd let romance lead me
whenever romance chose to sway
    strategies for kissing the opposing position
good argumenters use soft ammunition
we're lucky to learn our complicity
now we can turn it around
we're infiltrated and now will befriend the opponent
so whatever side you choose to be on...
kiss me.

WHATEVER radio play


whatever radio dj: ted whatever
romantic radio dj: velvet goldmine
activism radio dj: left counteract
jackie mcdowell    
music teacher
english teacher
designing society teacher    
designing society film narrator
the whatever     
the activist
the romantic    

    with songs by:

the ambivalents
the latents

scene one


dj    you're listening to more bass on the all low end radio station        
static w/frog solo

joni mitchell    please help me i think-

lc    you're listening to the overthrow show, the ooze behind the news, on activist fm. brought to you by multiculture yogurt. i'm left counteract. today a group we don't much care about, the extremist apathists, held a Stop the Caring Now vigil in some city.  it was just about the size of all the other ones.  thousands of apathists marched down the boulevard carring candles, some of which were lit.  these fanaticals were frankly just ignored by the tens of thousands of disinterested people in attendance. frankly, i'm glad to not care. now live coverage via satellite.


ta        marches are just like marches. how do they expect people to stop paying attention to them if they're predictable? what do you think?         

tw        oh, whatever radio station you listen to is fine.  who cares?  well la dee da. i hate knowing things. anyway, whatever. as long as i can't hear the lecture, i'll be fine.

(fade in teacher's voice)
et    ...the united states slowly fortified its political positions and amassed enough arguments to blow up nine times.  literally.  today, military warehouses are still full of hostility rather than much needed fruits and vegetables.

ta    why couldn't they be full of affection instead?

et    the nuclear weapons symbolize man vs. society vs. man, a timeless and tireless theme among men.  

lc    this just in. the united states has offically attacked the opposing position. a conflict that crossed the boundaries the US has felt comfortable with for centuries has caused a rise in temperatures and tension. experts agree that the opposing position is strategically indefensible. opposing positions are standing on shakey ground without a leg to stand on. the united states is expected to win this fight. the us has issued a warning that if the enemy uses unfair tactics such as cheap and pot shots the us will overreact.  and get really mad.  worse than last time.  

ta    ever wonder what's really going on?

tw    ongoing wonder. really whatever.

scene two

vg     that was the latest from the bleeding hearts with a she side called she she she. my name is velvet goldmine and you're drooling over romantic rock on the runny one. all romantic interludes all the time. soft music that stays in the background. the next liter of diet rock is brought to you by new water lite: the thinner crystal liquid. and by tummy-x, the one step malnutrition program. now the latest by the latents.

the latents        

it's really the easiest thing to be in love with you
it's the only thing i haven't forgotten how to do for myself
and it takes no effort

tr    oooh. that song makes me nostalgic for a dream i don't remember having! whenever i hear a song like that, or see a scene in a movie like that, i want to make it mine. don't you just love... love?

tw    maybe. but whatever.

tr    oh i understand. right before i met love, whatever was all i could think. now, if i think, i think whatever i think love is thinking.

dst    good morning class. i've decided to teach designing society.

tw    whatever.

dst    exactly. excellent point: designing whatever society we want to live in. today we are going to watch a film.

dsf    changing the world is not taught in american schools, although being effectual is a tool more important than coloring, more essential than kickball, more urgent than prom.

vg    how could he? hey kid, turn the projector down. i don't want this in any of my listeners' backgrounds.

dst    quiet down, dj, i'm trying to teach a class.

dsf    i think my film's about to break.

scene three

ted    who cares? im ted whatever and you're listening to whatever on the undecided show telling you: don't make up your mind. this is w.h.a.t.e.v.e.r. the same old thing every day. it doesn't matter what music we play because you aren't even listening. now the latest old song by the Ambivalents: Club Whatever.

the ambivalents

we're probably going to club whatever
and do the most convenient thing or whatever
what do you care?

tr    i can't decide whether to pass a note or give flowers.

tw    wow. the whatever station has such a powerful signal it's coming through the pa system. but anyway i don't feel about this presentation by one of our classmates. he's opposed to the united states attacking the opposition. he's starting a student group called kiss the opposition. but anyway.

ta    my fellow kids.

scene four
dj    this is left counteract and i'm back. this next hour of our daily interview call-in show, it takes the whole world to tango, was brought to you by rainforest in a can. our guest today is the heiress of caring herself, jackie m, tm, the oldest kid in america, owner of Romantico tm, the company that owns the rights to romance. if you have seen a romantic scene in your favorite television show recently, you may have noticed a tiny heartshaped copyright symbol in the corner of the screen. that's because all romantic scenes are the exclusive property of Romantico, makers of "love" tm and all fine love products including kisses tm.

vo    [love is a registered trademark of Romantico]

dj    Jackie M, tm, how old are you?

jm    i'm ten, left.

dj    how did you get to be such an old kid, jm tm?

jm    i never mix business with pleasure, left, it makes a very bad drink.

tw    whatever are you listening to?

ta    im listening to the acties station.

dj    and how old were you when you first built the velvet empire tm?

jm    i was nine, left.

tw    you'd better turn it down. music teacher doesn't like you to listen to radio in class.

mt    okay class today we're going to talk about music okay i've brought in some lovesongs protesting our countries offenses in the last three major conflicts okay?  okay?

ta    okay.

tw    whatever.

dj    tm, you have been widely criticized by homeowners and poets alike for commodifying love tm, the most basic biological necessity.

ta    hit him with your best kiss, left!

mt    okay i brought in these songs to show you that love songs and protest songs are the same kind of song. okay?

tw    okay whatever.

jm    ha, left, love was a marketing strategy from the very beginning. i just saw an expensive thing and bought it.

dj    i couldnt agree with you more, tm.

ta    that'll show him who's left!

mt    well, beautiful, i disagree. Romantico is a faux hoax! the only romance left is the Romance with the Social!

dj    hey kid can you turn your radio down?

mt    the only unselfish love is love which is not focused on a single person. love looks around. romance with the social.

jm    i'd like to dance with your listener, left. first of all, Romantico treats each of its employees as if they were the most important person in the world.

dj    the epa has recently leveled huge fines against Romantico tm for valentine dumping. to say nothing of last february's pink spill in the mediterranean.

ta    dip him left!

jm    we love the epa! we can afford to!

mt    we'll be right back with It Takes the Whole World to Tango

dj    you're a listener you can't do that!

mt    ...with left counteract and his irritating guest...

jm    hey!

mt    ...jackie m from the hallmark of fame, a kid who failed tambourine. but back into the music class now, by way of illustration a song about the equal distribution of concern.

tw    okay! ole'!

chorus of angels     please help me i think i'm falling asleep again.

[end of time]

other stuff:

willia's whatever song?
rick? [assignment to call left counteract outraged about the stop the caring march, and to have a conversation with at least one other person who needs to use the phone?]
instsitutionalized racism?


"whatever" she said. it was clear that she meant it
when she forgot it i had to invent it
she still found it hard to believe
i straightened it out and she quickly rebent it

"whatever" she said enrapt in conviction
her agreement was causing considerable friction
i politely suggested more insightful diction
she made excuses to leave

"whatever" she said with fury and fire
all her acceptance i longed to deny her
softly cemented in some granite mire
she watered and fed my pet peeve

"whatever" she said with air of finality
"whatever" she sang in prudent tonality
"whatever" she yawned in limpid banality
i wanted to moan and bereave

the "whatever" she pulled from her sleeve

careless whatever poerty

i can't afford to care
im too old
im gonna be noon soon

i cant invest in it
i cant put very much into it
i cant afford to pay attention

i cant donate my time to it
time i could be spending on other things
time i should be saving

i'd like to write a poerm but i cant. why not?
you like to see the list of excuses i got?

i'll pen a couple stanzas but it's all that i got.

udst    good morning class. last night i read your essays and lost interest in my own subject matter. so today we're going to watch a movie about utopia. american high schools ûSICN‘÷+L+O+€+‹+„+Â+˚6 6)6à6â6û6ü6Ω6‹6Ù7S7k7l7r7≠7∏7∆8‘8fl8Ë8Í9J9™9´9¨:®:©:≤:≥:¿:Ã:È:Ï:Ì:Ó:Û:Ù;
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ficonsider themselves reasonbly good. one thing they are notorious for not teaching is how to change them. changing the world is i love love. therefore, in that i then manifest the symptoms of love, i love myself. hold the door for myself and carry my books home from school. i write poems for myself in classtoday we are gathered together beneath the eaves and gargoyles of the ominous omnipresent depressing precedent of digression pressing against us today. i want to talk about whatever. whatever is a social problem. it is a bored disease which crawls into our thoughts through our speech. it is transmitted orally and everybody here has said it. whatever is a germ plaguing us today.

tw    [applause] whatever!

ta    you want to avoid disagreement and discuss it as a fight between two sides. but a disagreement is a single flower watered by two streams of consciousness. let your ideas and opinions flow!     

ta    i wanted to mention in particular and issue surrounded by a puddle of extremely wet controversy: the united states attack on the opposing position. if we all purse our lips in protest, maybe we can convince our country to kiss the opponent instead!
tr    gush!


what katie didn't take home:

ted    so what? i'm ted whatever and you're under the air. what's up?

tw    hi ted. love your show.

ted    so?

tw    i'm calling from school. i'm at an assembly where a fellow kid is trying to convince me to change my metaphors for disagreement. he's asking me to care about the united states and i don't know if i feel comfortable with that.

ted    kid, just nod a lot and say "yeah" occasionally. whatever. just don't pay attention. don't listen to anyone. even me.

tw    okay ted. thanks a lot.

tw    wait don't hang up. listen, i think ted is wrong. i think i should care.

ted    c'mon, kid. you're getting wet.

tw    i do? why should i care? well okay. whatever.

ted    atta kid.

tw    let me plant disagreements between me.

ted     i like to see how the listener feels. sometimes. but now back into the background with another song you don't have to listen to to be haunted by for decades: i don't want to get upset about it by the dry mirages followed by no tears tonight by the who cares. who cares?restaurant scenetw    ongoing wonder?jackie mwhatever. jm    i'm fiftejm    i was fourteen&}&—)Ñ-Òˇˇ,ˇˇRˇˇlˇˇˇˇeˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ    ˇˇ
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